Thursday, September 20, 2007

Project Wet

Workshops are critical to teachers to gather resources, new ideas, different teaching approaches and many more reasons. I am in the Professional Development School which is helping to prepare me to be a good teacher by pairing me with a current professional teacher who can mentor me in the process. Since much of this teaching world is new to me I had no idea that workshops cost money. I thought they were work not something one would choose to do.

Once the shock of payment for workshops wore off I found out that many are quite reasonable and extremely helpful.

I attended an 8 hour long workshop in Fort Collins, CO called Project Wet last weekend which was surprisingly important for all science teachers to be apart of. It taught not only about the current water situation in the world, but provided a lesson plan book with hundreds of pages of activities spelled out for any grade level teacher. The teachers were dynamic and the fellow teachers and student teachers phenomenal!

I plan on attending the second portion of the workshop, Project Wild, which will focus on ecology as well as teaching techniques to science teachers across the state in October.

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